Tuesday, December 21, 2010

11 Ways towards Environmental Conservation

Nowadays, we can no longer hide the truth or sugarcoat the dreadful condition of our planet earth. At this time all we can do is to make collaborative efforts towards environmental protection. And it is extremely significant that every mankind, depending on his or her potential must adhere to this environmental advocacy. Below are simple things we can do for Mother Earth:

1. RECYCLE. Find a collecting center wherein you can bring all your recyclables.

2. CONSERVE WATER. It is wise to conserve water particularly this time of El Niño phenomenon which causing major rivers, dams and lakes to dry up.

3. BUY LOCAL FOOD. Support the local market at the same time you don’t have to travel and contribute to daily carbon emissions.

4. START BACKYARD COMPOSTING. It will not only lessen your solid wastes but it will be great for as organic fertilizer for growing your own plants and trees.

5. PLANT A TREE. One major reason of climate change is global deforestation. The solution is reforestation and by planting a tree or trees in your community you can contribute a lot.

6. PROMOTE GREEN ENERGY. Be the first to support green energy projects in your community. For example, support biosphere gasification technology that converts solid wastes into green electricity without harming the environment.

7. USE NATURAL CLEANING PRODUCTS. For your housekeeping, you can use natural cleaning products like vinegar, lemon and baking soda.

8. SAVE ELECTRICITY. Make sure you have turned off all lights and appliances at your home when not in use. If you are buying new appliances, choose the energy saving ones.

9. JOIN GO GREEN COMMUNITIES. Through your participation with go-green communities, you will be able to help create awareness about global warming and saving the environment.

10. GROW YOUR OWN FOOD. Plant your own crops to help in carbon reduction.
You can use recycled plastic containers instead of buying new pots.

11. RIDE A BUS. Instead of driving your own car, try to ride on a public transit. According to American Public Transportation Association, using public transit can save up to 1.4 billion gallon of gas annually, thus reducing a huge amount of carbon dioxide emissions.

Addressing the Energy and Environmental Issues in the Philippines

With the environmental concerns over fossil fuels government units and industries in the Philippines are now seeking alternatives that would support and provide solutions to the growing demand of energy and ecological issues. One of the environmental companies in the Philippines, Spectrum Blue Steel Corporation (SBSC) came up with a brilliant idea and that is to “de-carbonize” the production of energy through the Biosphere Technology, a waste management breakthrough.

The Biosphere Technology is a waste to energy system wherein waste materials undergo thermal decomposition at elevated temperature and limited oxygen environment. This process is known as “gasification”. Waste materials ranging from household wastes to industrial wastes can be recycled, destroyed or converted into marketable end products like electricity, inert ash, carbon black and high alloy steel wire.

This technology is just one of the renewable energy resources being explored to address environmental issues and the growing demand on energy in the country. Other renewable energy being developed includes hydropower, geothermal, wind, biomass, solar and ocean energy. Based on the study of DOE, our country has huge potentials in exploring the development of geothermal, gas and coal resources. However many environmentalists oppose the coal mining/ burning industry since it brings adverse effects to natural environment. The good thing is that the national government is now campaigning for the enhancement of energy efficiency and environment conservation to address these issues. SBSC and its affiliate companies are advocates of such campaigns. This is why they endeavor to deploy the biosphere technology in various cities and municipalities of the Philippines to empower our environment and provide green solution to energy problems in the country.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Helping Nature through Proper Waste Management

The main objective of waste management is to efficiently handle the disposal of waste without harming the public health and the environment. However most often than not, wastes generated are not properly managed thus causing environmental disasters and deaths for many people due to pollution.

Wastes can bring serious problems to human health and the environment if not properly managed. According to many studies, greenhouse gases are accumulating in earth’s atmosphere due to human activities thus causing earth’s surface including oceans to warm up. And this global warming brings about environmental problems such as climate change and destruction of ecosystems. In many countries particularly those in the third world countries, lack of efficient waste management and effective policies are usually the major causes of their environmental problems.

Having a proper waste management system will greatly help our environment. Issues like leachate, ground water contamination, air pollution, are only some of the environmental problems caused by improper waste management. An example of waste management that could resolve all this issues is the Biosphere Technology. This is a waste to energy system that can destroy and convert waste materials into marketable end products like green energy or electricity.

Biosphere Technology uses gasification process to efficiently and ecologically handle waste materials. The said process has passed all international atmospheric emission standards thus rest assured it’s not harmful to our environment.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Gasification or Incineration: Which is better for the environment?

Incineration is the process of handling waste materials that involves combustion of organic substances included in wastes. This process is also defined as thermal treatment. In several countries it is known as one of waste to energy technologies. However many are still arguing about the environmental impact of this technology because some standard incineration emits flue gas that may be harmful to the environment particularly to our atmosphere.

There are still forms of incineration that can help to environmental conservation and energy production. Gasification, pyrolisis, plasma gasification and anaerobic digestion are examples of incineration that can recover energy from waste. The commonly used nowadays for waste treatment is the gasification process. It is also widely used in several countries for green energy generation.

Gasification is the process of converting carbonaceous materials into carbon monoxide and hydrogen using high temperatures at oxygen starved environment. The resulting gas is referred to synthesis gas or syngas which is used to heat the steam boiler for steam turbine generating electricity. An example of gasification process is the biosphere technology. Unlike incineration, the biosphere technology has passed all international standards for flue gas emissions thus helps in mitigating environmental concerns.

In ecological and sustainability aspects, gasification has surpassed all other standard incinerators. For more information about gasification and biosphere technology visit www.spectrumbluesteel.com

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Greening the Energy Industry

For decades the world has relied mostly to fossil fuels for its energy supply, and we can no longer deny the adverse effects of this to our environment and even to public health. The global warming for example is linked to the increase of carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere. And among the effects of global warming are climate change and extinction of wild life.

What many countries strive nowadays is to find alternatives to fossil fuels particularly oil and coal. The greening of energy industry is set to change and restore our environment which we all aspire for a cleaner and greener environment. But the question is, if oil is on its way out, what will be in? Since the world needs clean green energy thus it is now one of the flourishing industries today.

The growth of renewable energy industry is very important in environment conservation. If the world focuses on developing our renewable energy sources, then the target of reducing carbon footprint by 2050 is achievable. By that time nations are almost completely decarbonized. In the Philippines they are now developing renewable energy to increase energy efficiency, and maximize the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions. And like developed countries, the country now provides great deals for renewable energy investors. Biosphere Technology is just among the renewable energy sources being developed in the Philippines. This technology is a waste to energy system that handles wastes in efficient and environmental manner.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Solution to Land Pollution

Pollution in air, water and land can greatly affect the public health and our natural environment. There are some contaminants that degrade overtime however, most remain in the soil and can eventually cause health problems and leaching of contaminants from lands into groundwater supply. 

Land pollution is such a big issue because the earth is where we live - and if we don't take care of our land what will happen to human nature? What kind of world would we live in? If we do not take action soon all the activities that we enjoy on a day to day basis will not be possible because the land we live on and enjoy will be so polluted that it will be dangerous to go around it. Land pollution is the polluting of Earth’s natural land surface. This is caused by things such as chemical and nuclear plants, Industrial factories, oil, mining, littering, overcrowded landfills and deforestation.

One effective way of solving land pollution is through proper waste management. The revolutionary biosphere technology can provide this solution. This technology is a waste to energy system that efficiently and ecologically destroys and converts waste materials into green energy or electricity. For more information about this technology, visit www.spectrumbluesteel.com

Monday, December 13, 2010

What is Green Energy Sustainability?

Nowadays, the majority of the energy we use comes from fossil fuel resources such as coal, oil, natural gas, and nuclear power. All of these energy sources consume the fuel that produces the energy and all of these create adverse effects to our environment. This is the reason why many people endeavor to seek green energy solutions to avoid further damages to our environment.

Green energy also referred as renewable energy does not consume natural resources, but instead harness the energy found in nature. Solar energy is the harnessing of energy from sunlight. Nowadays solar energy is the commonly used renewable energy Wind energy is another commonly used renewable energy and one of the ancient ways of harnessing energy. It uses wind turbines for energy production. Hydroelectric energy is the energy from moving water. Hydropower plants are usually in the form of large dams. The only problem with it is that it destroys habitats and displaces people if poorly managed. Geothermal energy is known as thermal energy which comes from the earth’s crust. The heat under the earth is used for generating electricity. And the best so far is the waste to energy systems, wherein it destroys and converts waste materials into clean green energy.

The best part about green energy is that it helps in conserving our environment while providing the need for clean energy. If we fully developed it could finally replace our dependency on fossil fuels at the same time will provide a more sustainable future for all of us.

Aside of maintaining the balance of nature, it is also important to secure sustainability without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Consuming natural resources that are generating greenhouse gasses and causing global warming is not a sustainable solution for producing energy. Green energy doesn’t produce greenhouse gasses and doesn’t consume resources. It is the answer for ensuring sustainability from energy sources.

In addition, the great way to generate green energy is through biosphere technology, a waste to energy system. With this technology both problems on energy and waste management can be solved without harming our natural environment. Biosphere technology eliminates and converts garbage into green energy and other marketable by products. Its process has passed U.S. and European atmospheric emissions standards thus it is considered to be ecological.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Join the Green Project: Protect our Environment

Earth is a wonderful planet, where the natural resources are in abundance and it is the only planet where there is a possibility for us to survive. However, the future of our planet earth is at risk because of continuous exploitation of its natural environment. Various predictions say that the life of the Earth is going to end soon. We do not know when but today’s environmental disasters are proofs of earth’s gradual deterioration. Our forefathers have warned us, and we should take this responsibility of taking care of our planet earth before it’s too late.

Unfortunately, instead of healing the planet earth, many people are destroying it because of greed. Many are polluting it in all means thus increases global warming. According to some studies global warming phenomenon is increasing each day. We need to mitigate its effects before it will severely rise across the globe. Some of the effects of global warming include climate change, deaths of flora and fauna and extinction of many endangered species.

If we are going to do something for our planet, this is the right time to take action. We could at least proudly say to our future generations that we did something to save our environment . Conserving our environment is the  only way so that they could still witness how wonderful this planet is. Let’s make it our collaborative green project-- let’s all protect our environment for our future generations...for a cleaner and greener earth.

Join the Green Project of SBSC. Visit their website at www.spectrumbluesteel.com

Conserve our Natural Environment with Biosphere Technology

Being mindful of our environment and its surroundings is essential for our survival. With the rapid industrialization, we have become increasingly dependent on technology to rule our lives. The technology which has lead to the production of artificial substances that gradually ruins our environment. These substances take thousands of years to degrade and release toxic gases and chemicals into the atmosphere, thus affecting the public health and our flora and fauna.

Nevertheless, technology can be used for saving our environment too. We are all aware that the world demand for energy is increasing and we need alternatives for fossil fuels. Since our natural resources are now rapidly depleting, the best solution is to utilize our technology instead of continuously exploiting our environment. We can use the latest innovations on energy production, like the biosphere technology.

Biosphere technology is an invention of Dr. Chris McCormack, the CEO and Chairman of Global Environmental Energy Corporation. This technology is a waste to energy system that uses gasification process in destroying and converting waste materials into green energy. A biosphere facility is developed to help in mitigating environmental problems caused by fossil fuels and inefficient waste management. With this technology, there is no need to exhaust our natural resources to produce energy, because we can use waste materials for large scale energy production without causing harm to our planet earth. Therefore, the technology can also serve as an effective tool for cleaning up our environment.

We need not bring about drastic changes in our lifestyles to save the planet. With our little efforts and with the help of green technologies such as biosphere technology we will go a long way in preventing the destruction of our natural environment.